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WeatherSystem Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:WeatherSystem"]

Public classHumidityExtensions
Extension methods for HumidtyVariables
Public classIntensityData
Intensity and weather related data container that is passed down the UpdateIntensity heirarchy
Public classManualAttribute
An attribute for denoting a field only used in 'Manual' mode
Public classProceduralAttribute
An attribute for denoting a field only used in 'Procedural' mode
Public classProceduralWeatherLookup
A 'table' of lookup values describing the weather given a humidty and temperature variable Acts as a wrapper to a DoubleDictionary of type WeatherVariables,WeatherVariables,WeatherTypes This lets us have a nice inspector and a scriptable object, so we can have multiple setups stored as assets
Public classRelianceWeighting
A data object for data relating to the reliance of an object on a WeatherProperty parent using a curve
Public classReliantWeatherProperty
A weather property which calculates intenisty updates using the combined weighting of one or more WeatherPropertys
Public classTemperatureExtensions
Extension methods for TemperatureVariables
Public classTemperatureHumidityPair
Data container for a collection containing one TemperatureVariables and one HumidityVariables enum
Public classWeatherChangeEventArgs
Data relating to the change from one weather event to another
Public classWeatherDisplay
A simple text-based visualisation of the weather produced by WeatherManager
Public classWeatherEvent
Scriptable object holding WeatherProperties related to a specific weather pattern
Public classWeatherManager
The central manager for weather. Operates in two modes; procedural and manual. Procedural mode uses perlin noise values to transition between WeatherSets and WeatherEvents with gradual changes over time driven by procedural 'wind'. Manual mode gradually transitions between WeatherSets, and WeatherEvents as described by a provided WeatherCycle.
Public classWeatherProperties
A managed collection of WeatherProperty objects
Public classWeatherProperty
A single property of the weather, driven by a WeatherProperties object Drives the in-scene IntensityDrivenBehaviours with intesnity data
Public classWeatherSet
A scriptable object for managing WeatherEvents
Public enumerationHumidityVariables
The available states of humidity
Public enumerationTemperatureVariables
The available states of temperature
Public enumerationWeatherMode
The weather modes the WeatherManager can operate in